
DE SAMENKOMST (English below)

De Samenkomst is een park met gebouwen eromheen in het centrum van Ledegem en fungeert als 3e plek voor de buurt en omgeving. In het ontwerp staat de vergroening van het publieke domein centraal en daarom is ervoor gekozen om zoveel mogelijk aaneengesloten buitenruimte te genereren. We willen het terrein doorwaadbaar maken en verbinden met de 2 linten van het dorp, het binnengebied van dit bouwblok en de bestaande steegjes. Hierdoor wordt ook het gebruik van de site buiten openingstijden gemaximaliseerd en kunnen we naast vertrouwde gebruikers ook gewone voorbijgangers op de site hebben. Fietsers en voetgangers kunnen kortere of schilderachtige routes door de site nemen en misschien een glimp opvangen van de activiteiten die er plaatsvinden. Dit doen we door het park te verbinden met zowel de Rollegemstraat als de St. Elooiswinkelstraat en het aangrenzende binnengebied nabij de sporthal en de buurtweg te versterken. Met de gebouwen willen we deze samenkomst van mensen ook versterken. De gebouwen zijn minutieus in het park gepositioneerd en kunnen zo maximaal inspelen op de ruimte van het park. Waarbij we ook hier de ruimtes en activiteiten zowel fysiek als visueel met elkaar verbinden via de publieke ruimte die fungeert als (veilige) buitenkamer en kwalitatieve verbinding op schaal van de gemeente.




De Samenkomst is a park with buildings around it in the center of Ledegem and acts as a 3rd place, garden and living for the neighborhood and surrounding area. The greening of the public domain is central to the design and it was therefore chosen to generate as much continuous outdoor space as possible. We want to make the site fordable and connect it with the 2 ribbons of the village the inner area of this building block and the existing alleys. This will also maximize the use of the site after opening hours and allow us to have casual passersby on the site in addition to trusted users. Cyclists and pedestrians can take shortcuts or scenic routes through the site and perhaps catch a glimpse of the activities going on there. We do this by connecting the park to both the Rollegemstraat and the St. Elooiswinkelstraat and reinforcing the adjacent inner area near the sports hall and the neighborhood road. As a result, we create many on-site meetings in the park for the soft road users. We also want to strengthen this gathering of people with the buildings. The buildings are positioned miniature in the park and can thus respond to the space of the park to the maximum extent. By which we also here interconnect the spaces and activities both physically and visually through the public space that acts as a (safe) outdoor room and qualitative connection on the scale of the municipality.The spaces between the different rooms are given a public status as much as possible so that they are as accessible as possible and that all users regardless of age, ethnic background, disabilities or social status feel at home here.


This place is all about meeting. It is a place where bonds are forged and where we enjoy spending time as a family. We want to further purify and strengthen this intention with well-considered interventions. The ford makes passage possible. Along this flux of soft path users, we try to organize specific places each with a specific character so that along the paths interaction occurs and different activities can take place simultaneously without interfering with each other. The surrounding buildings will also interfere with the park and occasionally appropriate parts of it. For example, the youth movement can temporarily own the park on Sunday afternoons or the reception can take place in the multipurpose hall in the park. In this way we want to create a generous moment in the village where the public space and buildings run into each other and from which a large number of views or vistas to the various spaces arise. Thus proximity and kinship will be felt with all parts of the Gathering.


What New park and public space, Multipurpose hall and academy
Where Ledegem, Belgium
Architects AE-architecten i.s.m.
Czvek Rigby
Engineering Boydens Engineering
Acoustics Daidalos Peutz
Landscape Atelier voor groene ruimte
Area 1850m2 & 2650m2 park
Published in A+